Sunday, November 4, 2007


I clicked it :)
[I used to download such pics when i was in the 1st yr of my grad for my desktop wallpaper, and now i have clicked few of such kinds :)]

Reaching towards the end of my stay in Finland and i was just wondering whether or not would i be able to see the snowfall. I was told by my colleague that it probably 'would' snow this weekend, and it really did. I really wanted to see the snowfall before going back to india. And it was just so beautiful. I must say, it was nature at its best and one of the most beautiful, incredible and unforgettable moments of my life. "Precipitation in the form of crystalline water ice", it was just so amazing to feel it early in the morning..

It was just like you see in the movies, i had always wanted to feel the same. Feels as if you're in heaven. This was the first snowfall in Pori, Finland (place where i live now). I had been out partying with my friends and we all just could not believe it. How a few months ago, we had been cribbing to our managers for sending us onsite, and here we were.... Snowfall, friends and that too in finland. And trust me, it is another feeling when you feel the nature's beauty while you are sloshed :)

water water every where,
in the form of ice...
but this wasn't that hard,
it was soft, smooth and nice...

nature at its best,
everthing seems to be white...
i went out to feel how it is
and realized this is called ...


I was told that this snow won't really stay on ground, rather would met as soon as it will touch the ground... But unlike, i can still see the roofs, cars, trees around me covered with snow. My trip to finland, i suppose have been during the best times of the year. May-june: where i saw what summers meant to them. Gals wearing short, shorter and shortest of clothes; where i used to still feel cold (thanks to the chilled wind which used to blow my head off). I used to lie down on the beach, sun-bathing, watching sexy hot babes playing beach volleyball. And now winters (sept-oct-nov, though this is the start)

This weekend also was the "All Saint's day" .People dressed in the most scary and weird dresses. I did some google for the historical facts as i wasn't sure about why it's celebrated, and found this:
"All Saints' Day, All Hallows, Hallowmas ("hallows" meaning "saints" and "mas" meaning "Mass"), is a feast celebrated on November 1 or on the first Sunday after Pentecost in honour of all the saints, known and unknown. Halloween is the day preceding it, and is so named because it is "The Eve of All Hallows". All Saints is also a Catholic formula invoking all the faithful saints and martyrs, known or unknown. In terms of Catholic theology, the feast remembers all those who have attained the beatific vision in heaven, while the next day, All Souls' Day, commemorates the departed faithful who have not yet been purified and reached heaven."
[From Wiki]
Click here for more info on Saint's day

Since it was snowing, no one was out on the streets, but i could see people in their attire in the disc. It was fun and it's been fun partying here in finland. Click here for info on Halloween's day.
Check this for technical info on snowfall and a few pictures here

I at times think why can't we also celebrate such days in india. When we celebrate diwali, holi, navrathras etc etc etc, then why not days like these. Diwali is celebrated in UK, US, Canada, then why can't indians celebrate "All Saint's day" "Halloween day" .... but then i realized that i am probably asking for too much. It just can't happen. It requires a change in the perspective of millions of people. IT JUST CAN'T.

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